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* For new clients, the price increases by $10 per year every two months

Course Module 6

Uncover the secrets to a thriving practice:
  • The fundamentals of effective scheduling in a front office setting.
  • Techniques for creating a scheduling guide tailored to your practice’s needs.
  • Optimize your schedule by understanding procedure times and utilizing back office staff efficiently.
  • The benefits of block scheduling and how to implement it for improved productivity.
  • Strategies for filling open slots using a cancellation list and managing last-minute cancellations.
  • The importance of implementing a cancellation and no-show policy.

What’s in it for you?

Master the Art of Efficient Scheduling.
Boost Patient Satisfaction.
Optimize Practice Revenue.
Enhance Team Collaboration.

By completing this module, you’ll gain expertise in:

A clear understanding of dental codes for accurate coding.
Improved insurance verification and precise treatment estimates.
Effective dental claim submissions for timely reimbursement.
Accurate treatment planning and proactive payment management.

Course Module 7

In this module, you will learn about:
  • The breakdown of dental codes and their categories.
  • The importance of insurance verification and completing verification forms.
  • Essential information is needed for accurate dental claim submissions.
  • How to fill out a dental benefit verification form.
  • The advantages of having detailed insurance breakdowns on file.
  • Key details to gather during insurance benefits verification.
  • The benefits of using standardized dental coding references.

Course Module 8

Discover essential strategies and techniques for:
  • Understanding in-network and out-of-network insurance plans.
  • Utilizing fee schedules to determine patient responsibility.
  • Calculating patient portions for in-network plans using the contracted fee formula.
  • Determining patient portions for out-of-network plans using the office fee formula.
  • Unraveling the mystery of deductibles and applying them correctly in calculations.
  • Managing downgrades and their impact on patient portions.
  • Exploring strategies for optimizing insurance benefits, including annual maximums.

What’s your piece of the pie?

Accurately calculate patient portions.
Provide clear explanations to patients about their financial obligations.
Navigate insurance complexities with ease.

Have a look at the benefits

Understand dual dental insurance complexities.
Maximize benefits with priority determination.
Avoid duplication and overpayment.
Fair compensation for dually covered patients.

Course Module 9

You will have the opportunity to learn about:
  • Understand the concept of dual dental insurance and its implications.
  • Determine which insurance plan is considered primary and secondary.
  • Apply the birthday rule to determine primary and secondary coverage for dependents.
  • Handle dual coverage scenarios, such as divorce or multiple jobs.
  • Comprehend the process of coordination of benefits and its two main types.
  • Implement guidelines for treatment planning and upfront collections for dually covered patients.
  • Navigate coordination of benefits when in-network or out-of-network with insurance companies.
  • Learn how to read EOBs, run calculations, and maintain consistency in payments and adjustments.

Course Module 10

You will have the opportunity to learn about:
  • Essential checklists and guidelines for accurately posting insurance payments in your practice management software.
  • Effective methods for understanding EOB remarks and resolving payment discrepancies to optimize reimbursement.
  • Strategies for efficiently splitting claims and submitting additional documentation when insurance companies require.
  • Proven techniques for adding payment notes, balancing deposit slips, and ensuring financial accuracy.
  • Practical approaches for electronically storing and organizing EOBs to save time and physical space.

What’s in it for you?

Accurate payment posting, error reduction, and improved revenue tracking.
Practical review of EOB remarks, proper payment allocation, and discrepancy resolution.
Time-saving techniques for claim splitting, minimizing rejections, and maximizing reimbursement.
Efficient electronic organization and storage of EOBs, streamlining record-keeping processes.

Here are the benefits

Timely and accurate claim submissions
Efficient handling of corrected claims
Effective management of the insurance aging report
Proactive resolution of outstanding claims

Course Module 11

You will have the opportunity to learn about:
  • Checklists and guidelines for efficient claims and preauthorization submissions
  • Steps to resend claims and send corrected claims with proper documentation
  • Tips and tricks for effectively working on the insurance aging report
  • Proactive strategies to resolve outstanding claims and ensure timely payments

Course Module 12

You will have the opportunity to learn about:
  • Effectively appeal insurance claim denials by following a systematic approach
  • Use appropriate vocabulary and techniques to write persuasive appeal letters
  • Gather necessary documentation and clinical notes to support your appeals
  • Address common denial reasons such as coding errors, lack of information, medical necessity, and frequency limitations
  • Understand when and how to request insurance refunds and authorizations
  • Engage patients in the appeals process for better outcomes

Check out the perks

Master the appeals process to optimize reimbursements.
Learn the language insurers understand for compelling appeals.
Streamline the appeals process for efficiency.
Successful appeals lead to better patient outcomes and satisfaction.

By completing this module, you’ll gain expertise in:

Claims Processing
Understand the legal and regulatory obligations related to documentation practices

Course Module 13

In this module, you will learn about:
  • The Role of Documentation in dental insurance claims and its impact on Reimbursement.
  • Essential elements and guidelines for thorough claims documentation.
  • Strategies to overcome common documentation pitfalls and meet insurance company requirements.
  • Tools and templates to streamline and standardize your documentation process.

Course Module 14

You will have the opportunity to learn about:
  • A step-by-step guide to developing a customized front office handbook, including a table of contents and sectioned pages.
  • The convenience of having all vital office information, such as contact details, hours, and insurance credentials, readily accessible in one place.
  • Strategies for organizing insurance information, referral contacts, and dental lab coordination for streamlined operations.
  • Quick reference materials for office dress code, employee benefits, patient payment policies, and scheduling guidelines.

Check out the perks

Create a customized front office handbook tailored to your practice’s needs.
Streamline workflows and enhance productivity through standardized practices and guidelines.
Ensure continuity and smooth transitions during employee turnover or transitions.
Have a comprehensive resource with step-by-step instructions and best practices for front office tasks.
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$299 per year
* For new clients, the price increases by $10 per year every two months